Southend Chess Club Title

Results 2023/24 Index   Southend League Minor - B Team   JA Speigel Memorial

Results 2023/24 - Club Championship

1Neil A Sutherland1978b14+Dw11=b10+b3+w4=w2=1972
2Howard Grist1999w7+b5+w3-b8+w9+b1=1932
3Matthew H Shaw1936w9+b24+Db2+w1-w5+b44   2008
4Stephen L Wedlock1888b6=w20+b23+w13+b1=w34   1887
5Colin M Newton1666b17+w2-b12+w14+b3-w10+4   1799
6Taylor R Duke1613w4=b8=w25+b7-b14+w21+4   1713
7Nick J Lacey1631b2-w22+b17+w6+b10=w131745
8David J King1558b16+w6=b11=w2-b17=w15+1689
9Michael J Saunders1616b3-w27+b18+w11+Db2-b123   1596
10Ben Middleton1577w19=b25+w1-b23+w7=b5-3   1584
11Josh T Winiberge1706w21+b1=w8=b9-Dw12-b20+3   1626
12Adam JM Moyse1344b22+w16-w5-b20+b11+w93   1573
13Joshua Davis1651w24-b15+w26+b4-w19+b73   1631
14Fred R Whitefield1631w1-Db21+w15+b5-w6-b23+3   1562
15Christopher Wray1295b27+w13-b14-w18+b16=b8-1370
16Dennis B Paul1674w8-b12+w24=b19=w15=b171484
17David Ruppert1554w5-b18+w7-b25+w8=w161452
18Lana Hurrelle1147b23=w17-w9-b15-w27+b26+1245
19Chris Lynche1700b10=w23-b27+w16=b13-w222   1432
20Nathan Driscoll1284bye+b4-bye-w12-b26+w11-2   1328
21Melvin R Poole1578b11-w14-b22+w26+w23b6-2   1433
22John R Chapman1177w12-b7-w21-b27+w25+b192   1230
23Matt P Bellman1297w18=b19+w4-w10-b21w14-1398
24Isha Aggarwal-Stanbridge1525b13+w3-Db16=1856
25Joshua Emdon1242b26+w10-b6-w17-b22-w271   1222
26Dennis M Thompson1387w25-bye+b13-b21-w20-w18-1   580
27Luke D Shaw705w15-b9-w19-w22-b18-b250   297

Round 6 Pairings
Neil A Sutherland4   ½-½Howard Grist4   19 Jul
Stephen L Wedlock4   vMatthew H Shaw4   02 Aug
Nick J LaceyvJoshua Davis3   02 Aug
Colin M Newton3   1-0Ben Middleton3   19 Jul
Adam JM Moyse3   vMichael J Saunders3   02 Aug
Taylor R Duke3   1-0Melvin R Pool2   26 Jul
David RuppertvDennis B Paul02 Aug
David J King1-0Christopher Wray19 Jul
Nathan Driscoll2   0-1Josh T Winiberg2   26 Jul
Chris Lynch2   vJohn R Chapman2   
Matt P Bellman0-1Fred R Whitefield2   19 Jul
Dennis M Thompson1   0-1Lana Hurrell19 Jul
Joshua Emdon1   vLuke D Shaw0   
Other Outstanding Pairings
Melvin R PoolvMatt P Bellman16 Aug5

This event is a six round swiss open to all club members. The results of all games are submitted for ECF rating at the end of each month.

The time control is 36 moves in 90 minutes followed by 24 moves in an hour. If both players agree, then all moves in 80 minutes plus an increment of 10 seconds per move may be played. Rounds will commence promptly at 7.30 p.m.

The winner holds the Jarratt Cup for one year. Ties are broken by a play-off.

The highest placed player rated under 1800 will be awarded the Tilleard Cup (Minor Championship) for one year.
There is also an award for the highest placed player rated under 1500.
Ties for these awards are split by sum of progressive scores, then sum of opponents' scores.

Scheduled dates -

Round 1   Friday 16th February
Round 2   Friday 15th March
Round 3   Friday 26th April
Round 4   Friday 24th May
Round 5   Friday 21st June
Round 6   Friday 19th July

Results 2023/24 Index   Southend League Minor - B Team   JA Speigel Memorial