Southend Chess Club Title

Results 2017/18 Index   Southend League Team Lightning   JA Speigel Memorial

Results 2017/18 - Club Championship

1Neil A Sutherland 1166b23+Dw8+b9+w2+b4+Dw3+6   207
2Matthew H Shaw171w10+b4+w3=b1-w11+b8+D173
3Howard Grist172b9+w7+b2=w8=b10+b1-4   170
4Josh T Winiberg165b6+w2-b12+b5+w1-Db11+4   164
5Steve J Haggerty 295b8-w17+b22+w4-b13+w10+4   113
6Christopher Wray96w4-b13+w19+b10-w16+b15+D4   101
7Stephen L Wedlock166w11+b3-w16-b22+Dw14+b12+4   145
8Michael J Saunders146w5+b1-w20+b3=b15+w2-D151
9Colin M Newton138w3-b12+w1-b20=w17+b16+130
10Fred R Whitefield124b2-w18+b21+w6+w3-b5-3   115
11Nick J Lacey110b7-w22+b17+w13+b2-w4-3   110
12Tony C Lodge90b20+w9-w4-b19+b21+w7-3   100
13William U Bremner59b21+w6-b23+Db11-w5-w20+3   77
14John R Chapman59w15-b16-w24+w23+Db7-b19+3   62
15Doris G Randell85b14+w23-b18+b16=w8-w6-D92
16Peter H Billson75b17-w14+b7+w15=b6-w9-79
17James I Courtenay56w16+b5-w11-w21=b9-w24+72
18Dennis M Thompson89w19-b10-w15-b24+w20=b21+69
19Alan H Wilson63b18+w21-b6-w12-b24+w14-2   59
20Isha Aggarwal-Stanbridge68w12-bye+b8-w9=b18=b13-2   61
21Matt P Bellman77w13-b19+w10-b17=w12-w18-54
22Bernard S Chalk70bye+b11-w5-w7-D1   53
23Niall Prior112w1-Db15+w13-Db14-D1   135
24Luke D Shawe40b14-w18-w19-b17-0   15

1 Neil A Sutherland was awarded the Jarratt Cup.

2 Steve J Haggerty was awarded the Tilleard Cup and Club Championship - Rating Restricted Award.

Results 2017/18 Index   Southend League Team Lightning   JA Speigel Memorial